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Prepared to answer

Always prepared to answer because of Christ (1 Peter 3:15). That’s the tagline at the end of Wendysue Fluegge’s emails. It’s her life verse. “As

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About Trinity Lutheran Church

Trinity Lutheran ChurchSchool is a very special place. As a school ministry we hold up the values of Christ, Curriculum, Character, and Community.

First and foremost our school is a special place because we strive to keep Jesus Christ at the center of all things. Our Savior is in the middle of our daily instruction. Christ is at the center of our relationships as well. Jesus in the center means that our students learn how to express their sorrow over their sin and then have the blessing of rejoicing in the wonderful forgiveness that is ours in Christ.

A strong academic program is offered to students so that they can succeed in life. We also believe and teach that students with strong Christian character will be the leaders that are needed for the future of our nation, our churches, and our families.

Church and School Live Streaming Links

When the live streaming starts, each link will redirect you to the correct YouTube streaming site. If there’s no live streaming when you click on it, it will just say “Camera isn’t live now.” If that happens, please check back at the regularly scheduled streaming time.

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