Always prepared to answer because of Christ (1 Peter 3:15).
That’s the tagline at the end of Wendysue Fluegge’s emails.
It’s her life verse.
“As a disciple of Christ, I’m committed to and passionate about His mission,” shared Wendysue, a musician and writer who travels the country connecting others to Jesus. “And being prepared for every opportunity to make an impact on someone’s eternity.”
The wife and mother of two from Wisconsin will be sharing her message during the LWML Zone rally at Trinity on March 29.
“I love Jesus, music and humans,” shared Wendysue. “I generally get energized being with people.”
Always prepared to answer because of Christ.
Trinity is blessed by servant hearts – always prepared to answer because of Christ – propelling His mission forward.
Call Committees have spent countless hours seeking strong and faithful workers to fill the school’s vacancies for the 2025-26 school year.
Ministry teams continue to provide opportunities for the congregation – both big and littles – to grow in their faith.
Subject matter experts have gifted their time with facility improvements.
We are blessed.
There’s still work to do. The devil creates confusion.
“Priorities have shifted, and habits created that pull us away,” shared Wendysue.
Always prepared to answer because of Christ. It’s our calling.
We are: Chosen. Growing. Proclaiming. Crowned.