Life Together
Trinity Lutheran would like to welcome you home – to God’s House.

As a congregation, we gather on Saturdays and Sundays – uniting together in Word, Sacrament and fellowship. We also welcome more than 400 students to our campus on Monday-Friday through our school.
Our mission – to share the Good News, bring unbelievers to know Him, and most importantly, to ensure eternal salvation in heaven.
The opportunities are endless.
In addition to our church services and school setting, Trinity offers many other ways to stay connected with our brothers and sisters in Christ and to God.
Weekly Bible studies. Weekend Bible studies. Small group Bible studies. Special events such as a Neon Run, Trunk or Treat, Family Fun Night, Easter Egg Hunt and much more.
It is our prayer that you will join us on the journey to heaven.
New? Start Here
For Sunday Worship information, please click on the “Visit” tab above for worship times, address (map and driving directions from Google).
View “About” page to learn more about Trinity.
On Holy Communion
Eating and drinking with God is by His design (see Exodus 24:9-11) – He’s abundantly gracious. He alone sets the dinner expectations, who attends and what He gives. He desires of you worthy reception of His Body and Blood for the forgiveness of sins. This requires proper instruction from His Word. The Lord’s Supper can be taken to your spiritual harm. (1 Corinthians 11:27-31). We kindly ask that if you are not a member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to not commune until discussing with one of our pastors or elders. We welcome you to approach the Lord and His altar, crossing your arms, to receive His blessing.
We invite you to join us for worship on Sundays. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
News & Events
Come and check us out
Classroom spots are filling fast at Trinity Lutheran School for the 2025-26 school year. If you are interested in learning more about Trinity School or how you can begin the
Trinity Plant Sale underway
Trinity Lutheran’s annual Plant Sale fundraiser is underway. Orders can be placed through April 9 and can be picked up on May 8 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and
Summer break to-do list
Trinity’s facility won’t get much of a break this summer. In addition to the normal summer maintenance, Trinity will be renovating its gym, swapping out the band room with the
Serving (Committees, Volunteer Opportunities)
Trinity has many opportunities for you and your family to be involved – both through our church and school. In addition to being involved with worship through our choirs, ushers and altar guild, Trinity also offers opportunities to serve in our Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, LWML, high school youth, Parent Teacher League, along with many other ministries.
Care and Concern
Christ has put us for others. Our fervent desire – through a nurturing heart – is that our neighbors come to know Jesus. Trinity’s Family Ministry provides opportunities for those caring connections through its many activities. Trinity’s Care Ministry provides support to those who are home-bound or are shut-ins. Trinity’s Prayer Team also provides support through its weekly gatherings.
New Member Class Information
Are you sensing a need to get closer to God? Have you ever wondered about who God really is? What does God think of me? What is Christianity? There are so many religions in the world! How can I find out more about what Trinity Lutheran Church teaches? You will want to enroll in God’s Workmanship class, which teaches you the basics–and more–of the Christian faith. Discover a joy and confidence which you never imagined! Class is offered in two sessions twice a year, on Tuesdays by the pastors; other times by request.
So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. (Romans 12:5)
God's Workmanship Enrollment
To enroll for the upcoming class, simply contact the Church Office at 563-323-8001 or fill out the form below. Child care is available by request.
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