Habits Preach Louder than Words

By Pastor Randall Golter

What are you teaching your kids by your habits?

I recall — and have confessed openly — that when I was a young lad, I couldn’t wait for church to get over.

When I heard the church singing the song right after Holy Communion, I still remember saying to myself, “Yes, church is about over!”

I also recall those late Saturday nights. I remember those Sunday mornings, thinking I need to get up and go to church.

Why? This is what Mom and Dad did; this is what the Golters do. I didn’t feel right if I didn’t go to church.

My parent’s habits shaped my Sunday mornings.

Habits do preach.

Dr. Reed Lessing writes in his book on Exodus:

“Let me come out and say it. Parents, it’s a myth that we teach values to our children. We don’t teach them; we model them. If you moan and groan and drone and pick a bone as to why you’re not going to church, that makes a huge impact on your children. Example isn’t the main thing. Example isn’t the first thing. Example isn’t the best thing. Example is the only thing,” (Deliver Us: God’s Rescue Story in Exodus, p. 202, emphasis in original.)

As your Savior, Jesus didn’t go to church dragging His feet. In your place, He kept the Third Commandment in your place. He gladly went to church at 12 years old, as recorded by Luke (2:41).

Jesus still gladly goes to church…to meet you there and your children. He is there to forgive you and your kids. He comes weekly to care, comfort and encourage you.

It’s His happy habit.

Bring you—and your kids—weekly to church.

Your habit preaches.

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Trinity Lutheran Church & School

1122 West Central Park Ave.
Davenport, IA 52804

Church: 563-323-8001  School 563-322-5224

Worship times: Saturdays at 5 p.m.

Sundays at 8 a.m. live-streamed | 10:45 a.m. | 12:15 p.m. (the first and third Sunday of each month)